Darkness and Light: Where is it Going? A Round Table Discussion By Leyla Harrison Classification: Humor, references to MSR Rating: R for language Spoilers: Gethsemane Summary: It's hard to sum up. Read on. This is being written in response to the thousands of e-mail messages I received from people wanting to know where I was going with my two vignettes, "Darkness and Light" and "Darkness and Light II". OK, so it wasn't thousands. Maybe it was a few hundred. OK, it was four. If you haven't read the above mentioned stories, crawl out from under the rock where you reside and go find them. They're on one of the various archives, or they're on my home page. Either way, they're easy to find, so don't come crying to me that you don't understand this because you haven't read the stories. If you have read the stories, you'll know that the stories (and what follows here) have spoilers for Gethsemane. If you haven't seen that episode yet or don't know what happens, STOP reading here. I can't be held responsible for giving away the secret of the fourth season finale. Read onward at your own risk. This was inspired, of course, by Madeleine Partous. If it weren't for her this wouldn't have gotten written. As most of you may know, it took her practically an entire year to write her opus "The Pact" and somewhere in the middle of it she got writers block (yeah, sure she did) and wrote something quite similar to this. Hers is called "The Pact: Where is it Going?" and is readily available on the various archives. Go read it. It'll help you understand this one more. Of course, I had this idea *long* before she did. I was just generous enough to let her go ahead and do it first so that she could take the credit for it. Aren't I wonderful? Madeleine may not feel that way once she's read this, although I can't blame her; I mean, I can't help it that I'm the better writer. So. Now that we've gotten all that out of the way, let's move along. I have to say that I am borrowing quite a few characters and real live people for this little parody within a parody. ****** I, of course, will be moderating tonight's event. Our panel of experts includes: Fox Mulder, Special Agent of the FBI. Slightly whacked out. A legend in his own mind. Well, OK, in a few other people's minds as well, but they're whacked out too. Incredibly lucky to be partnered with Dana Scully (see below) even though she's much too good for him and he knows it. Dana Scully, Special Agent of the FBI, also known as St. Scully the Enigmatic. Partner of the above mentioned Fox Mulder. Victim of his constant ditching, although she tolerates it without much complaint, which is further evidence of her saintliness. Lives in the world of the rational explanation, and oughta have a license for that raised eyebrow of hers. Chris Carter, the master of yuppie morbidity, also known as the creator of the X-Files. In reality, he's just a surfer boy who got lucky. Vince Gilligan, occasional writer for the X-Files, also co-producer. Believer of extreme possibilities and a fan favorite among both shippers and non-shippers alike. Madeleine Partous, well known writer of fanfiction classics such as the Puppets series, the Tales, and some really long piece that dragged on forever...what was that thing called? Oh, yeah, "The Pact". Writes terse, non-sentimental MSR within great plots. Karen Rasch, another well known writer of fanfiction, ardent shipper and really knows how to lay on the smut, pun intended. Author of the Words series, and is considered a goddess to shippers everywhere. Should be married to Vince Gilligan. Now where's a matchmaker when we need one? Jennifer Maurer, relatively new to the fanfic community, and a dazzling addition at that. (She wrote her own bio for this.) And she's modest, too. A definite shipper and Scully worshipper. And now, on with the discussion. (PANEL IS LED INTO THE ROOM; ALL ARE SEATED) HARRISON: All right, we're here to talk about these little vignettes I wrote called Darkness and Light. CARTER: Couldn't you have thought a more obscure title for the second one, preferably in Latin? MAURER: Who cares about the title? No one cares about the title. All that matters is the story. Besides, no one understands those Latin titles you use. I never know what the episode is called until I see it on the newsgroup and then it takes about three weeks to figure out what it means. CARTER: The Latin adds something to it, a certain je ne sais quoi. All the good episodes have titles in a foreign language. I've always said that. HARRISON: Oh, sure, like Teso Dos Bichos? That was a great one. And El Mundo Gira? Another Golden Globe winner, I'm sure. CARTER: (TESTILY) That was Shiban's fault, not mine. PARTOUS: Well, that's what happens when you're too busy working on Millennium, that piece of crap you call quality television. CARTER: Don't I know you from somewhere? I recognize that accent of yours. Wasn't I on a panel of yours once? (LOOKS CONFUSED) HARRISON: (CLEARING THROAT NERVOUSLY) OK, let's stick to the topic here. The stories. What does everyone think? SCULLY: Personally, I think they're great. They show that I have some strength. Too many stories out there show me as some kind of wimp. It shows that I'm not afraid to believe. MULDER: Now that's a first. (SCULLY GIVES MULDER THE EYEBROW) GILLIGAN: I happen to like the Scully/Mulder interaction. I think it's great. I just hope she's not dreaming the whole thing up. HARRISON: Well, that's the point. I mean, is Mulder dead and Scully just imagining him there? Or is he really alive? Or are they both dead and just having a great hallucination? MULDER: Personally, I think he's alive. Chris wouldn't write me out. CARTER: Of course I wouldn't. PARTOUS: Well, you haven't been writing much of anything on the show lately, have you? You've left other people in charge, like Gilligan over there. (POINTS) (GILLIGAN NODS) RASCH: And not a moment too soon, as far as I'm concerned. Mulder and Scully need a little emotion every now and then. Plus sex. MULDER: (ENTHUSIASTICALLY) Lots and lots of sex. SCULLY: I'm not so sure I agree with you there. I think that we should wait for the movie to have sex. That way it will be incredibly intense. CARTER: (MUTTERING) No sex. SCULLY: (TO MULDER THOUGHTFULLY) Although if you do get written out, I can carry the show on my own. Everyone agrees. MAURER: I'm a member of OBSSE, and I *know* that's true. (KISSES SCULLY'S FEET) HARRISON: OK, OK, I think we're getting a little off topic here. CARTER: I know. The Pact. The fucking Pact. Well, as I keep reminding everyone (THROWS DIRTY GLANCE AROUND THE ROOM, LINGERING ON PARTOUS) Mulder and Scully are not getting together. HARRISON: The Pact? Jesus, that's not what we're talking about. I mean, I know it dragged on for almost a year, but can't anyone focus on someone *else's* writing for a while? PARTOUS: (THROWS A DIRTY LOOK AT HARRISON): What do you want from me? Pick up the shattered pieces of your life and move on already. HARRISON: (CONFUSED) I though you liked my writing. MAURER: (EAGERLY) I love your writing. I love everything you've written. Especially all your early stuff. Like No More Words, where Scully lost her voice? I loved that one. And After All These Years? Where Mulder and Scully's daughter died? I loved that one too. MULDER: Oh, stop it. You're such a groupie. (MAURER STARTS TO CRY) GILLIGAN: Jesus, look what you've done. Leave her alone. She has a right to her *feelings*, for God's sakes. RASCH: Thank you, Vince. I couldn't agree more. I mean, that's why we're here in the first place, right? To talk about these stories. To talk about feelings. Which, by the way, is the reason why I think the stories are so beautifully written. There's such an eloquence in the dialogue between Mulder and Scully that's so rarely seen. It's so emotional. I love it. MULDER: Yeah, but there's not enough sex. CARTER: (YELLING) There's not gonna be *any* sex, damn it!! MULDER: (WHINING) But I haven't gotten laid since Kristen Kilar. SCULLY: Who's that? MAURER: Uh-oh. (HIDING UNDER TABLE) HARRISON: (NERVOUSLY) I don't think that's really relevant. SCULLY: I think it is. RASCH: (REASSURINGLY) Scully, don't worry. He was thinking of you the whole time. (SCULLY LOOKS DISGUSTED) PARTOUS: (SCORNFULLY TO SCULLY) He wasn't thinking of you at the time at all. That's just something the shippers cling to in order to help them deal with the grief of seeing him have sex with someone other than you. SCULLY: (TO MULDER) When did this happen? (MULDER SQUIRMS) CARTER: Scully, you weren't in that episode. You had been abducted. We had to let Mulder live a little. MAURER: (ANGRILY) He shouldn't have been living. He should have been grieving. RASCH: I agree; you shouldn't have been having sex with some vampire woman while Scully was missing. It just wasn't right. MULDER: It didn't mean anything. It was just sex. PARTOUS: And as I've always maintained, there's nothing wrong with friends having sex. This is the thing about you Americans: you don't understand the difference between love and sex. Read my stories. You'll get it. HARRISON: Oh, Christ. We're back to the difference between French-Canadians and Americans. (ROLLS HER EYES) That's *not* what this is about. PARTOUS: That's what everything is about, if you ask me. You're all Americans. You just don't get it. HARRISON: We can talk about that later, OK? The story, remember, the story? Can anyone *please* tell me what they think about the story? (PLEADING) GILLIGAN: I think that Mulder's not really dead. He's coming to Scully when she needs him most. He's alive. He wouldn't have killed himself. MULDER: Thank God. CARTER: I make no promises. RASCH: You *cannot* separate them! HARRISON: (YELLING) Hey, I'm the one writing the fucking story!! SCULLY: I don't care one way or the other, to be honest. I mean, so far, I look pretty good in this story. I'm being brave; I'm fighting the cancer. MAURER: I agree with Vince. I think Mulder's still alive. And then they'll be together again. It's perfect. (SIGHS A HAPPY SHIPPER SIGH) MULDER: That's two for me still being alive!! CARTER: Yeah, well, everyone knows I don't listen to what the fans say. Most of them are just those crazy women on the Internet who are all writing about Mulder and Scully having sex. I'm sick of it. They're all nuts. PARTOUS: Well, we all know that if you listened to the fans you wouldn't still be working on Millennium. HARRISON: Do you repeat *everything*? We heard you the first time. Christ. It's just like your stories. Everything goes on and on and it never ends. It just endlessly repeats itself. (THROWS UP HER HANDS IN EXASPERATION) RASCH: Although Madeleine and I have completely different approaches to the whole Mulder/Scully dynamic, I have to agree with her here. Chris, if you would just listen to the fans... HARRISON: (TO HERSELF) I can't believe this. I cannot believe this. All I did was ask for a few simple opinions about these stories...and I get *this* in response. This is crazy. I give up. MAURER: (PANICKED) No, no, don't do that. We have to know what happens. You can't just leave everyone hanging like this. HARRISON: (GRUMPILY) Why not? That's what Partous did with the Pact and it increased her popularity by leaps and bounds. CARTER: Yeah, well, I hate her. (SNEERING) She claims to have these plot driven stories and it's really just a MSR in disguise. GILLIGAN: What's wrong with that? CARTER: Remind me again why I haven't fired you. GILLIGAN: Well, let's see. Could it be that all the episodes I've written have made the fans like me better? I mean, Pusher; Small Potatoes... CARTER: You bastard... (LUNGES FOR GILLIGAN) RASCH: Don't touch him!! MAURER: Watch his hands!! He can't write if his hands get hurt!! (RASCH AND MAURER LEAP TO GILLIGAN'S RESCUE) HARRISON: (YELLING) No fighting! I don't believe in that. Not at my round table discussion! SCULLY: (PULLING HER GUN) OK, you two, let's take this outside. (SCULLY ESCORTS CARTER AND GILLIGAN TO THE DOOR. THEY EXIT. MAURER AND RASCH GAZE UPON HER ADORINGLY.) HARRISON: (SIGHS) OK, let's get the stars out of our eyes and finish this discussion. MULDER: I'm not dead. I have two votes for not dead. Actually, three. Vince, Karen and Jennifer. Madeleine hasn't voted yet. PARTOUS: Vince's vote doesn't count anymore. He's outta here. HARRISON: Mulder's right. I haven't heard anything from you about the story, Madeleine. What do you think? Should Mulder just be a hallucination or should he be alive? SCULLY: (MUTTERING) Sometimes I wish he *was* just a hallucination. MULDER: I heard that. SCULLY: You were supposed to. MULDER: Oh, really. SCULLY: (EXASPERATEDLY) Oh, shut up, Mulder, or I'll shoot you in the other shoulder. MAURER AND PARTOUS: (IN UNISON) NO!!!! RASCH: (THOUGHTFULLY) Well, I don't know. That brought up a lot of angst the first time it happened and a flurry of fanfics came out of that. I'll bet I could come up with something good if he gets shot again. MULDER: Sure, easy for you to say. You weren't the one with the bullet in your shoulder. MAURER: Yeah, but we got to see you shirtless. (LICKS HER LIPS) (PARTOUS PURRS AT HIM; RASCH WINKS AT HIM) (MULDER PREENS; SCULLY ROLLS HER EYES) HARRISON: Give me a break already. Madeleine, you didn't get to answer. What do you think? PARTOUS: I think you should keep it a mystery. Drag it out for as long as you can. I mean, it adds a certain air of mystique. Don't you know anything about technique and writing styles? HARRISON: Wait, wait. PARTOUS: What is it? HARRISON: Back up for a second. What did you say? PARTOUS: When? HARRISON: Just now. What did you just say? PARTOUS: I said, what is it. HARRISON: Are you sure? PARTOUS: I can't take this. I can't. I'm French Canadian, for God's sakes. We do things differently up here. I wish you all would get that through your heads. MAURER: Even *I* have to admit, that French Canadian thing is getting pretty old. PARTOUS: Well, so are your One Breath stories. Move along, for God's sakes! Get Scully out of the damn boat! I mean, you have talent; use it! Write about something else! RASCH: (PUTTING HER ARM AROUND MAURER) Don't worry, Jennifer, I thought your stories were perfect. They explored Mulder and Scully's true feelings for each other. MULDER: I thought I was a bit of a wimp in those stories, to be honest. PARTOUS: (SARDONICALLY) Feeling a little insecure about your manhood, are we now? (SCULLY GRINS) HARRISON: I think I've had it with all of you. This should teach me to ask anyone for advice about what to do next. I'm just gonna follow my own instincts. (MULDER AND SCULLY GET UP AND PREPARE TO LEAVE) MULDER: Come on, Scully, let's go. There's a cattle mutilation out in Idaho that requires our immediate attention. The truth is out there, Scully. I know it is. SCULLY: Get your hand off the small of my back, Mulder. It may work in fanfiction as a come on, but it won't work here. (MULDER AND SCULLY EXIT) MAURER: (BABBLING WORSHIPFULLY) Scully's leaving? Oh, I have to catch up with her! There's still so much I want to ask her. If she'll let me, of course. I mean, if she has time. I just think she's the greatest... (MAURER MAKES A BEELINE FOR THE DOOR) RASCH: (ALSO GETTING UP TO LEAVE) Well, Leyla, I'm sorry this wasn't more helpful. I *do* like your stories, especially these. They're just so romantic. HARRISON: Well, thanks, Karen. Coming from you that means a lot to me. But I'm not sure I was always writing all my stories like that. I mean, I wanted them to be romantic, but... RASCH: (PATS HARRISON ON THE HEAD) But they are. Believe me, I should know. (SMILES KNOWINGLY) (RASCH EXITS) HARRISON: (SIGHING) Well, Madeleine, I guess it's just you and me. PARTOUS: I have no reason to stick around. I'm out of here. HARRISON: Wait, wait!! This is all your fault, you know. If it hadn't been for your round table, I wouldn't be in this mess. PARTOUS: (SLYLY) But I thought you said in the disclaimer that you had this idea first. HARRISON: Well, um, I did, but... PARTOUS: That's what I thought. Now I really have to go. I'm working on this new story. It's really going to be great. HARRISON: (SARCASTICALLY) So, how many parts will this one be? Do you think you'll finish it in less than a year this time? PARTOUS: (LAUGHING) In Quebec we do things differently than in the States. HARRISON: (DEJECTEDLY) I give up. I give up!!! (PARTOUS EXITS) HARRISON: Well, there you have it, folks. This has helped me to decide absolutely nothing. And so, the fate of Mulder will remain in the darkness. PARTOUS: (POKES HER HEAD IN THE DOOR) Bad pun, Leyla. If you want them to read, you need to start writing better than that. (EXITS) (HARRISON LETS HER HEAD DROP TO THE TABLE WITH A THUMP) FADE TO BLACK ****** Personal thanks and acknowledgments: First off, thank you to Jenbird. I never thought I could write humor and she kept me laughing and she kept me full of great ideas. Second of all, I'm only poking fun at the authors mentioned because I admire their work so much and respect them as writers, but I'm mostly doing it because I can. I don't really feel like thanking CC because I'm not too happy with him these days, but I have to grudgingly admit that he owns Scully and Mulder. Yawn. Vince, of course, is worthy of deification. And above all, thanks to Jeannine, whose constant encouragement and support have made all of this possible. Mulder: "What is that look, Scully?" Scully: "I would have thought that after four years you'd know exactly what that look was."