Welcome! My name is Leyla -- my nickname is Sparkle and I'm the author of the fanfic on this page.
Eh, what do you really want to know? Not much to say. I started watching ER at the beginning, stopped for a year somewhere in the middle, and I'm glad I came back. Even with the major cast member departures (George Clooney, Julianna Marguiles, Gloria Reuben, and more) the characters on right now that I wouldn't mind seeing vamoose (I'm not naming names), I'm still glad I watch ER.
For me, the reason I fell in love with ER was John Carter, played by Noah Wyle and the reason I kept watching was because of Kerry Weaver, played by Laura Innes. (Well, I kept watching for Noah too. No use denying that.)
I've always especially liked the character of Kerry Weaver and this past season was a tremendous one for Kerry *and* Laura Innes -- tons of great material to work with and some great episodes (The Peace of Wild Things, All in the Family). Like that's not enough, she did an amazing job of directing one of my favourite episodes, Be Still My Heart.
In the first season, Carter was a young and green medical student. Noah Wyle was amazing then and is incredible now. He had a tremendous year this past season as well, and we watched in horror as Carter was stabbed (Be Still My Heart), and was confronted about his drug addiction (May Day).
All of this to say that without the incredible acting talents of both Noah Wyle and Laura Innes, I wouldn't be writing these stories and you wouldn't be on this page. And the ratings for ER would drop a micro-drop (not like anyone would notice). So: to give credit where credit is due, my thanks go to Noah and Laura, for giving the world two very complex and compelling characters to watch every week.
Writing ER fanfic was inevitable. I've been writing X-Files fanfic for almost six years now, and I've always wanted to branch into ER fic too, and I finally started writing and posting to alt.tv.er.creative a few months ago.
*the Kerry/Carter "One Word" Series - all stories are post-May Day*
*The Fetal Position - a story in 3 parts*
Frightening and mysterious dreams.
*The Challenge Stories*
Click to read the challenge stories
*Other Stories*
Click to read the stories that aren't part of any series
My X-Files Fanfic
**a little background on me and the stories before you dig in**
One man.
One woman.
An exploration of love, trust and everything in between.
Click for the "One Word" Series
A patient with unexplainable symptoms.
A quest to know the truth, whatever the consequences may be.
Click to read The Fetal Position
Delve into the rest of my writing and read my XF fanfic.
Warning: much of my XF writing contains NC-17 stories,
so if you are underage, please do me a favor and go elsewhere.